Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Giving. The Spirit of Christmas

The arrival of Christmas is hard to ignore. The rush to let people know “it’s that time of year” is ushered in with decorations, toy drives, Christmas dramas, seasonal commercials, a blitz of specialty products, and that shopper’s nirvana known as Black Friday. You know the drill when it comes to Christmas. The “spiritual part” is the Bible stories and church musicals, and the “commercial” part is the wish list and tinsel. Today, I want us to explore the idea that giving and the spirit of giving is the key to finding the real and true meaning of Christmas.

As you all know, Christmas is a time of receiving gifts. But, Christmas is also a time of giving gifts. Why is it often easier for us to get more excited about what we receive than what we give? What we are going to be looking at today are the things that were given on the first Christmas… the night that our Saviour Jesus Christ was born. I want to challenge you… and I want you to be challenged to consider how you can experience the true joy of Christmas through focusing on giving instead of receiving this Christmas.

We will be reading from Luke and Matthew. The books of Matthew and Luke both bear the names of the men who wrote them.

Matthew was a tax collector who left everything when Jesus called him to be one of His disciples. His book, Matthew, seeks to prove that Jesus actually was the Messiah that was promised in the Old Testament.

Luke was a medical doctor who became a believer during Paul’s first missionary journey. Luke was not a Jew but rather a Gentile. Working from his medical background, Luke presents to us the human side of Jesus in the gospel of Luke then tells the beginnings of the early church in his second book, Acts.

Read Luke 1:26-38. An angel told Mary that even though she was a virgin, she would conceive and give birth to a son, and shall call His name Jesus. This is a very important part of the story of the birth of Christ, for you see, Mary was engaged to Joseph but was a virgin. God caused her to become pregnant with child, that child being Jesus. Put yourself in her shoes ladies! Can you imagine how you would feel? Would you be scared or excited? Men, would you believe her story? But look at how Mary responded: though she couldn’t have known all that this announcement would imply, she responded in faith, expressing her faith and trust in God and in His plan!

In examination of the birth of Christ, you will find that there were three gifts that were given.

Gift #1: God himself robed in flesh in the form of Jesus Christ!... the most important gift of all. While people in the Old Testament had to relate to God with a certain sense of personal detachment, Jesus was God in the form of a living human being who now walked among His people! You could say that God gave us presence, His presence!

Read Luke 2:1-15, with our focus on verses 8-15.

Can you imagine? As a shepherd, you’re just sitting in a field with other shepherds and, of course, sheep… when suddenly an angel drops in. The Bible says they were frightened… Dark night. Angels. Bright light. Glory of The Lord shone round about them. Yep. I’d be running!

Let’s talk about the shepherds. Shepherds were one of the lower rungs of the Jerusalem social ladder. Think for a second about the way God works. Why does it make sense for the shepherds to be some of the first to know about Christ’s birth? Why not the religious rulers and leaders? If you look at Jesus’ teaching throughout the Gospels, you will find that God’s Kingdom flips conventional wisdom. The first are last. The weak are first. The first to witness Jesus’ first miracle were servants. He chose His disciples from those least likely to lead a religious movement. Jesus engaged the sick and the outcast. It would only make sense that shepherds would be the first to know! The Kingdom of God values the things the world doesn’t!

Do you think the expression of the angels themselves… the amazing praise, their countenance, the visual in the sky… was a gift to the shepherds? Me? A lowly shepherd. Out here. First to receive the news of The Saviour born!

Can you think of some examples of how our expressions – be it: outward attitude, countenance, words, and actions – can be a gift to people this Christmas? Maybe it would be a decision to resist the temptation to get wrapped up in too much materialism or commercialism: or looking for an opportunity to bless someone without expecting anything in return. Sacrifice your time, and even money, to see someone else blessed because of your efforts. To think of “others” this Christmas, and not ourselves!

What about the content of the angels message? They were sharing the “Good News” of Christ birth. I challenge you this Christmas, to be a bearer of “Good News”! Out with the negative… and in with the positive! And not just in words, but also in action. Volunteer time to a Christmas event, a charity, even a opportunity to engage friends… throw a Christmas party. It can be the smallest of things, to us, that are the biggest of things to those maybe that are hurting!

So, Gift #2: Good News and Expressions (those of love).

Read Matthew 2:7-11. King Herod was appointed by the Roman government to oversee Judea. He had no intention of honoring the birth of “The King of the Jews” and planned to do something that was common in that day… kill anyone who might one day challenge the throne.

Let’s talk about the wise men and their gifts. The wise men were possibly Kings from the east who were experts in astronomy. That explains why they were compelled to find Jesus when they saw the unusual star in the eastern sky. I want to talk about the three gifts the wise men gave Jesus and how they can serve to remind us of different aspects of Jesus character. The three gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

1. Gold was a valuable commodity in Jesus day, just as it is now. Gold was owned by the wealthy and given as gifts to the wealthy and the powerful. Think about the role Jesus plays. What aspect of Jesus’ identity does the gold help remind us of? His royal nature… He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the “firstborn over all creation” (Col. 1:15).

2. Frankincense is a resin that comes from a tree. People in the biblical times believed the burning of Frankincense oil during worship would carry their prayers to Heaven. What aspect of Jesus’ identity might the Frankincense help remind us of? The fact that through Jesus Christ, eventually becoming our perfect sacrifice, we no longer have to go through a priest and ritual, we now can go straight to our Father in praise, worship, and prayer!

3. Myrrh is also a tree resin that harden and is turned into a powder or perfume. It was used to treat wounds and was also a burial spice. It was even used when Jesus’ body was prepared after His death on the cross. What aspect of Jesus’ life does the gift of myrrh help remind us of? Jesus’ death upon the cross for our sins.

So, Gift #3: Gifts that symbolize (your love and your feelings).

Can you now see a theme of giving that runs through the Christmas story? The wise men gave valuable gifts, the angels gave praise and good news, and God gave us Himself, Jesus Christ in our own flesh. The most important expression of the Christmas spirit is the expression of Giving! There is nothing wrong with the receiving of gifts or even wanting certain things. But Christ, and His word, wants us to know that if we are to be more Christ-like, we are to have a spirit of giving. Not just in the giving of gifts… but also in our time… love… joy… good news… hope… forgiveness…

I encourage you to always be thinking about giving, and to do so out of your love for God. Not just during this season, but all year long. I wish you a very Merry Christmas. I love you. Now go and give!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Loved with a Steadfast Love

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22–23 RSV

Jeremiah was depressed, as gloomy as a giraffe with a neck ache. Jerusalem was under siege, his nation under duress. His world collapsed like a sand castle in a typhoon. He faulted God for his horrible emotional distress. He also blamed God for his physical ailments. “He [God] has made my flesh and my skin waste away, and broken my bones” (Lam. 3:4 RSV).

His body ached. His heart was sick. His faith was puny. . . . He realized how fast he was sinking, so he shifted his gaze. “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him’ ” (vv. 21–24 RSV).

“But this I call to mind...” Depressed, Jeremiah altered his thoughts, shifted his attention. He turned his eyes away from his stormy world and looked into the wonder of God. He quickly recited a quintet of promises. (I can envision him tapping these out on the five fingers of his hand.)

1. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
2. His mercies never come to an end.
3. They are new every morning.
4. Great is thy faithfulness.
5. The Lord is my portion.

The storm didn’t cease, but his discouragement did.

—Fearless, by Max Lucado.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sorry Mrs. Gump: MY life is nothing like a box of chocolates!

Sorry Mrs. Gump: MY life is nothing like a box of chocolates!

One of the most quoted lines in recent cinema history, is a classic example of how nonsense can spread, when people fail to challenge it. In the 1994 hit movie, Forrest Gump, the title character famously says: “My mamma always said, Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

I don’t really know what made me even think of this quote while driving down the road the other day. But, it just hit me. That’s stupid!

I know who holds my future! Good or bad. I DO know what I’m gonna get. Exactly what HE has for me.

Deuteronomy 32:4 - He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.


Psalm 18:30 - As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.


Come what may, come what might… Lord, I trust you! I don’t know, maybe it’s just me…

- Jeff Cecil

Monday, March 14, 2011

Something to learn from Pedro

What’s kitschy, glitzy and promoted by 175 giant billboards for hundreds of miles along Interstate 95? Billboards like the one with a huge sausage that reads: “You never sausage a place! (You’re always a wiener at Pedro’s!)”. Every redneck in North and South Carolina ears just stood straight up!

Yep, South of the Border, in Dillon, S.C., a 350-acre roadside attraction with shops, restaurants, and some really odd concrete statues, including a collection of iconic Pedros, the extravagantly stereotypical Mexican bandito cartoon mascot. It’s highway Americana at its best, and if you’re driving I-95, you can’t miss it. But just to make sure, the billboards appear from the Virginia-North Carolina border to the South Carolina-Georgia border.

As intriguing as it sounds, South of the Border is not generally thought of as a destination by itself. Millions of people have stopped there for food, gas, bathroom breaks or just to air the kids out. And millions of others have passed right by, wide-eyed and shaking their heads in wonder. A $40 million enterprise not a destination? No, for you see, once you’ve gone there once, you’ll most likely never go back! It’s cheesy, cheap, and awkward all at the same time, and no one has reason or desire ever to return. Despite the bookoos of money spent on advertisement, Pedro can only get “first time” business.

I have learned something from Pedro…

Though his product may be good, his presentation is cheap!

Presentation is paramount!

You apply. Personal? Business? Church?

I’m just wondering (this could be dangerous; hold on), what could happen if we all really paid specific detail to the quality of our presentation. Not our product… the presentation. As Christians, we know who and what we represent (our product), and know that it doesn’t get any better than Jesus Christ and a Life in Him, but how is our presentation of Him to others?

Just like Ol’ Pedro at South of the Border, we spend thousands of dollars in “First Class” advertisement like websites, banners, touchpoint cards, billboards, etc… We got to make it count!

Our Guest is Priority! Our Presentation is Paramount… In our smiles… in our appearance… in our welcome... in our worship… in our preaching… in our altars… in our bible studies… in our fellowship… in everything! First class… all the time.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dare to Care

We need other people! More important, however, if we are true disciples of Jesus Christ, people need us.

Many people in our world need us far more than we may realize. Reaching out and interacting with others follows acknowledgement, acceptance, and positive feelings about oneself and lifestyle. Love and acceptance of ourselves free us to love and accept those with whom we make contact.

Communication and Sharing

Two words are sometimes used rather loosely—communication and sharing. Is communication merely the dissemination of data? Is sharing only giving that which we have to spare?

Authentic communication is more than meaningless rhetoric. It is the exchange or transfer of information, ideas or opinions, whether verbally or otherwise. True communication is more than mere words or deeds exchanged for the sake of making token gestures. Communication has the potential of meeting mutual needs. It is a matter of sharing with one another.

Sharing is giving more than that which is convenient. It is supplying whatever is needed in any given situation.

Real communication is achieved when both parties understand and are understood. Real sharing is taking of our resources and meeting the need with the solution.

Sympathy and Empathy

There is a vast difference between sympathy and empathy. It is one thing to recognize a man’s plight; it is quite another matter to feel his desperation and pain and be moved to action to alleviate the distress, even at personal expense.

Only when we feel the hopelessness and utter despair of a hell-bound man or woman can we reach and touch the world for Jesus Christ.

A World of Searchers

It is common for all people of the world to search for a meaningful, fulfilling life. While searching, however, many people are filled with anxiety and confusion. Even Christians sometimes experience frustration, wanting to make all the right choices but having their vision blurred by the dazzling display of life’s unlimited opportunities.

Modern society, with its unending stream of possibilities for success, pressures people to hop aboard the “merry-go-round” of life. What happens? They spend their time, energy, and money on the very things that will rob them of fulfillment.

The Great Paradox

Through denying self, we obtain fulfillment. Through losing, we win. To live, we must die. To have, we must give.

So it is with caring. We can only become all God wants us to be as we assist others. Christians receive great benefits by expressing concern for others; self-esteem is elevated, we attract others who will care for us, and our society is improved.

Preparing to Care

In order to effectively care for others, we need to learn ten “caring skills.”

- Listen and observe.

- Be selective.

- Share.

- Be candid.

- Express joy or pleasure.

- Be patient.

- Counsel.

- Be interested in others.

- Take risks.

- Refrain from carelessness.

Dare to Care

The need for change is clearly visible. Materialism and self-centeredness do not provide joy. Only by daring to care can we find true joy.

As Christians, we may determine in our hearts today to greet our world with arms wide open. What treasures we will hold as we help one another!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Resolve- A verb! (THAT MEANS ACTION), to come to a definite or earnest decision about; to determine!!

It’s that time again. The New Year is here, and as we look back at all we set out to accomplish in the past 365 days we also look forward and begin creating resolutions and goals for the year ahead.

Unfortunately, very often our resolutions list looks very similar to last year’s. In fact, although I don’t know the exact statistics, it is likely the percentage of New Year’s resolutions that are actually achieved each year is unbearably low.

Still, every January we try and try again to get our lives back on course in whatever direction we want to head. After enough failed resolutions, it could be enough to keep us from creating any new lists at all! However, I want to challenge and encourage you to not only make your resolutions for 2011, but also discover ways to achieve your goals this year and for years to come. Know this, Success is never an accident! You have to have a dream, goals, game plans, and hard work!

Make a Realistic Resolution List

It’s very important to make a Realistic Resolution List; write them down and make a conscious effort to change some things in your life, take some time to evaluate where you are and where you want to be. For this list, determine some realistic accomplishments you could pursue in the year ahead, and then underneath each list item make another list of the realistic steps it will take to get there.

Once we break down our resolutions into realistic steps, it becomes much easier to begin expecting them to come to fruition. I can now look at my desire to pursue my interests in a more promising light, and this motivates me to move beyond the list into actually taking the steps toward my goal.

Try it yourself. Do it! Start with one, and then move on into the list of realistic resolutions you will set out to achieve this year.

Make a Dare to Dream List

After you’ve finished your list of realistic goals, why not take it a step further and create a similar list of your dream goals? These are the things you don’t really consider becoming reality, but if you could have a wish or two you would love to see them happen. I have learned that when I stop considering something impossible or unrealistic, it often moves into the realm of possibilities and reality.

By making your Dare To Dream List you open the door to the potential of your dreams coming true, rather than watching them from a distance as they gather dust on a shelf. Be sure to follow the same format as your Realistic Resolutions List, providing steps that you could take toward reaching your dreams. Be prepared–you might actually see your dreams become reality.

The Jeff Cecil Dream List: Get my PLS, Get a promotion into the office (so, I’ll never travel again on a weekly basis), thus, committing more time for God, class, church, and others, make more money, pay off debt, Build our house, and ultimately, RETIRE and travel the world helping others!... A DARE TO DREAM LIST! Make it!

Don’t Sweat the Calendar

In this third point lies the key to this whole thing. The most important element to accomplishing this year’s and all of your future resolutions is to not give them an expiration date. If you need a due date in order to maintain your motivation on certain tasks, then by all means, go ahead and set them. However, I would highly recommend a reevaluation of the importance of setting a due date, and instead seek other incentives that will keep you moving forward. I have found that when I stop looking at the calendar for my start and end dates of my dreams and goals for my life, they no longer possess the unnecessary pressure of time and I am refreshingly free to make my way toward their success unfettered.

Think about it. Why do we choose the beginning of each year to evaluate our lives and set our course for the next 365 days? Why do we reach the end of the year and take stock on how far (or how little) we’ve come?

I suggest instead of letting our beginnings and endings be dictated by the calendar we should allow our lives to flow from day to day, year to year without a beginning or an ending to each one. Each day is full of potential and possibilities, and so is the next one. So why proclaim a success or failure based on which day it dwells in? We simply need to please God, number uno, and ourselves second!!! Nothing else matters!

My recommendation is to let this be the last year-end resolution list you ever create. Instead, let your list be ongoing, adding to it as another goal or dream arises in your life, and checking off your accomplishments as they happen, whether within this year or the next. Stop sweating the calendar and letting it dictate the rises and falls of your existence. You will find that, if given the freedom to come to fruition within their own natural progression of events, your resolutions will become your successes and your dreams will become your reality.

Now… Go Work Hard!

Your Thoughts

So what now? Will you take my advice and move away from this year-end tradition and into a more organic and free-flowing approach to setting and achieving your goals?

Will you choose and do what YOU feel is the right direction for your life? Will you choose and do what GOD feels is the right direction for your life? What are you doing to get there? Are these your dreams and ambitions or someone else’s? Will you be pleased with yourself and happy when you accomplish these dreams? Will God?

I wish you much success in accomplishing your dreams that lie ahead, regardless of whatever approach you choose to embrace.

Mission14:23 Pictures