Friday, February 4, 2011

Dare to Care

We need other people! More important, however, if we are true disciples of Jesus Christ, people need us.

Many people in our world need us far more than we may realize. Reaching out and interacting with others follows acknowledgement, acceptance, and positive feelings about oneself and lifestyle. Love and acceptance of ourselves free us to love and accept those with whom we make contact.

Communication and Sharing

Two words are sometimes used rather loosely—communication and sharing. Is communication merely the dissemination of data? Is sharing only giving that which we have to spare?

Authentic communication is more than meaningless rhetoric. It is the exchange or transfer of information, ideas or opinions, whether verbally or otherwise. True communication is more than mere words or deeds exchanged for the sake of making token gestures. Communication has the potential of meeting mutual needs. It is a matter of sharing with one another.

Sharing is giving more than that which is convenient. It is supplying whatever is needed in any given situation.

Real communication is achieved when both parties understand and are understood. Real sharing is taking of our resources and meeting the need with the solution.

Sympathy and Empathy

There is a vast difference between sympathy and empathy. It is one thing to recognize a man’s plight; it is quite another matter to feel his desperation and pain and be moved to action to alleviate the distress, even at personal expense.

Only when we feel the hopelessness and utter despair of a hell-bound man or woman can we reach and touch the world for Jesus Christ.

A World of Searchers

It is common for all people of the world to search for a meaningful, fulfilling life. While searching, however, many people are filled with anxiety and confusion. Even Christians sometimes experience frustration, wanting to make all the right choices but having their vision blurred by the dazzling display of life’s unlimited opportunities.

Modern society, with its unending stream of possibilities for success, pressures people to hop aboard the “merry-go-round” of life. What happens? They spend their time, energy, and money on the very things that will rob them of fulfillment.

The Great Paradox

Through denying self, we obtain fulfillment. Through losing, we win. To live, we must die. To have, we must give.

So it is with caring. We can only become all God wants us to be as we assist others. Christians receive great benefits by expressing concern for others; self-esteem is elevated, we attract others who will care for us, and our society is improved.

Preparing to Care

In order to effectively care for others, we need to learn ten “caring skills.”

- Listen and observe.

- Be selective.

- Share.

- Be candid.

- Express joy or pleasure.

- Be patient.

- Counsel.

- Be interested in others.

- Take risks.

- Refrain from carelessness.

Dare to Care

The need for change is clearly visible. Materialism and self-centeredness do not provide joy. Only by daring to care can we find true joy.

As Christians, we may determine in our hearts today to greet our world with arms wide open. What treasures we will hold as we help one another!

Mission14:23 Pictures